Success Through a High-Performance Culture

Dates & Times:
Session Type:

Trade Show Education: Leadership

Registration Type:

Convention Education, Exhibitor, Full Convention & Trade Show (Attendee & Guest), Press Registration, Speaker Registration, Trade Show Only


Show Floor


Is your company culture the same throughout all levels of the organization? For many companies, the leadership’s view of the company’s culture is quite different than that of the rank-and-file employees. In this session, learn why there is a misalignment in company cultures and what steps you can take to strengthen the culture and build a winning team.


  • Matt Firestone Headshot

    Matt Firestone

    Firestone Consulting Group

    Matt Firestone is President of Firestone Consulting Group, a business growth and strategy firm located in Lincoln, NE. Firestone Consulting Group works with the leaders and owners in the construction industry to align their teams, tune their processes, and maximize their profits.
    With decades of hands-on experience, Matt and his team bring a real-world approach to working with their clients – through strategic planning, leadership development, and coaching. In addition to owning his own construction firm, Matt has a monthly column in an industry-leading trade magazine and a national presence speaking and teaching on a variety of topics in the construction industry.