Pre-Task Planning and Post-Job Review: Continuously Improve Your Site Safety Planning Process

To help contractors design, implement, assess, and continuously improve their Pre-Task Planning (PTP) process, CPWR has developed a comprehensive, all-in-one PTP package. In this session, learn what this package has to offer including checklists, templates and practical examples to help you through the process. CPWR will also discuss their developed Electrical Task Analysis Documents that contain task-specific challenges, hazards, and applied solutions compiled directly from field interviews and onsite observations.

Using Construction Technology to Manage Projects Based on Contractor Needs

Discover the value trade contractors gain from adopting software tools that streamline daily jobsite activities. By taking proactive control of internal processes, contractors bridge the gap between project and field management, providing project managers with real-time insights into jobsite operations. This proactive approach enhances budget and schedule management through improved data collection and reporting, enabling accurate project health evaluations for both internal teams and external stakeholders.