How Battery Plants & EV Charging Stations are Changing the Landscape for Electrical Contractors

This panel consists of three (3) NECA contractors who are extensively involved in the development of EV charging stations and battery plants nationwide. They will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of constructing battery plants and developing EV charging stations and how these “mega projects” make it challenging for smaller contractors to perform the work they are obtaining on time and on budget.ill discuss how these “mega projects” make it challenging for smaller contractors to perform the work they are obtaining on time and on budget.

NECA’s Leadership Journey

To become the best possible electrical contractor, NECA members must continuously learn, adapt and grow. NECA has created a suite of programs that provides individuals at NECA member firms with an opportunity to innovate, refine and expand their knowledge. This session will discuss NECA’s leadership transformation programs and how NECA members can take advantage of them for the future.

The Importance of Process in Labor-Management Relationships

Established procedures are crucial for building strong connections between the parties. This session will delve into why clear processes are essential for effective communication and resolving conflicts and examine different processes used in labor-management relations, such as collective bargaining and grievance procedures. Following this session, you will be able to identify areas for process improvement, apply best practices for fostering positive relationships, and navigate any process breakdowns you encounter. 

How Does NFPA 70E Apply to Your Business?

Understanding company requirements found in NFPA 70E and OSHA General Industry and Construction regulations will help companies stay compliant and perform work safely. This session will review what training is required and what documentation must be on file. Who is authorized and qualified according to their skills, knowledge and experience will also be discussed.

Navigating Through Divided Government and 2024 Election

With elections fast approaching, control of the House of Representatives, the Senate and White House is on the line. This session will review how NECA has navigated through a divided 118th Congress to advance issues important to NECA contractors. Attendees will understand NECA’s focus heading into the 2024 elections and beyond. 

Project Rescue

Ugly projects can happen. This session will help you identify warning signs, preventative measures as well as rescue tips to minimize loss and increase successful completion without burning bridges. Contract negotiations, good project schedules, quantity of RFIs and CORs, executive involvement and collaboration with other trades will also be discussed.

The ROI of Returning Citizens: The Benefits of Including Ex-offenders in Recruitment

Each year over 600,000 individuals are released from Federal or State prison systems. One of the major factors that determine whether an individual will succeed as a returning citizen or re-join the ranks of the incarcerated is the ability to find meaningful employment post-release. This session highlights the benefits of including returning citizens in industry recruitment efforts. Explore the recruitment challenges of the industry, benefits available to companies that hire returning citizens and a broad overview of the system as explained through the experiences of both ex-offenders and prison industry professionals. 

Developing Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) serve as the backbone of operational systems, ensuring consistency, standardization, and improved project execution. In this educational session, participants will explore the significance of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) in the electrical contracting industry based on ELECTRI International research. By examining real-world examples from industries like aerospace and military, attendees will understand how SOPs contribute to stability, safety, and success.

Roundtable Discussion: Company Culture

How does your company spread and build its culture? Is your culture the same in the field and office? This roundtable discussion among your peers offers the chance to share what you’re doing, the challenges you may have and how we can spread a positive culture across the entire industry.

Moderated by Emily Martin.

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Construction Claims* (*But Were Afraid to Ask)

Construction claims come in various shapes and sizes. Some claims can be easily and quickly resolved and others require the involvement and assistance of lawyers and construction experts. This session will strive to demystify the claims process for you, walking you through the various stages of the construction claims process, the challenges you may encounter along the way, and what is helpful to secure a successful resolution or result.